Similarity of Triangles by AAA Criteria

Concept Explanation

Similarity of Triangles by AAA Criteria

Similarity of Triangles by AAA Criteria:

Theorem :  If in two triangles, the corresponding angles are equal, then the corresponding sides are proportional ( i.e., in the same ratio) and hence the triangles are similar.

Given: in large Delta ABC and large Delta DEF 

   large dpi{120} large angle A=angle D,angle B=angle E;;and;;angle C=angle F

To Prove :

      large frac{AB}{DE}=frac{BC}{EF}=frac{AC}{DF} ;and; hence;Delta ABCsim Delta DEF   

Construction: Cut DP = Ab and DQ = Ac and Join PQ.

Proof: In large Delta ABC and large Delta DPQ

           AB = DP           [ By Construction ]

           large angle A = large angle D       [ Given]

           AC = DQ           [ By Construction ]

Hence large Delta ABC large cong large Delta DPQ   [ By SAS Criteria]

  large angle B = large angle P and   large angle C = large angle Q      [C.P. C. T]

But    large angle B = large angle E     [ Given]

Hence   large angle P = large angle E

But they are corresponding angles when PQ and EF are straight lines and Transversal DE cuts them.

As they are equal

So the lines are parallel

Therefore by Basic Proportionality Theorem

large frac{DP}{PE}= frac{DQ}{QF} 

Taking Reciprocal both Sides and adding 1 to both sides we get

large frac{PE}{DP}+1= frac{QF}{DQ}+1 ; Rightarrow ;frac{PE +DP}{DP}=frac{QF+DQ}{DQ}large Rightarrow frac{DE}{DP}= frac{DF}{DQ}

Taking Reciprocal we get replacing DP with AB and DQ with AC as they are equal by construction We get

large frac{AB}{DE}= frac{AC}{DF}

Similary We can prove that

large frac{AB}{DE}= frac{BC}{EF}

And Hence

large frac{AB}{DE}=frac{BC}{EF}=frac{AC}{DF} ;and; Therefore ;Delta ABCsim Delta DEF

Illustration :  If AB || CD , prove that  large Delta COD sim Delta BOA

Solution: As AB || CD then

large angle C = angle B             [ Alternate Interior Angle ]

large angle D = angle A             [ Alternate Interior Angle ]

large angle COD = angle AOB            [ Vertically Opposite Angle ]

Therefore, large Delta COD sim Delta BOA         [ AAA Similarity Criterion]

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

In above figure, bigtriangleup ABCsim bigtriangleup PRQ by __________________ criteria.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

In the following figure, bigtriangleup ABMsim bigtriangleup AMC by which criteria?

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

In the following diagram,  bigtriangleup MBA sim bigtriangleup ABC by which similarity criteria?

Right Option : C
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